Wednesday, April 11, 2012

J-RcZ's Top 5 Hats

Judging by looks, not by silly stats or prices

5: Baseball Bill's Sports Shine
4: Flipped Trilby
3: Whoopee Cap
2: Milkman
1: El Jefe

5: Stainless Pot
4: Armored Authority
3: Honcho's Headgear
2: Infernal Impaler
1: Team Captain

5: Brigade Helm
4: Pyromancer's Mask
3: Birdcage
2: Attendant
1: Proof of Purchase with Foster's Facade (Zepheniah's Greed) (I know that I'm bit cheating here but this is my list and I can do whatever I want)

5: Tam O' Shanter
4: Hustler's Hallmark
3: Samur-Eye
2: Reggaelator
1: Buccaneer's Bicorne

5: Cadaver's Cranium
4: Hound Dog
3: Officer's Ushanka
2: Tough Guy's Toque
1: Heavy Duty Rag

5: Mining Light
4: Texas Slim's Dome Shine
3: Safe'n'Sound
2: Hotrod
1: Virtual Reality Headset

5: Vintage Tyrolean
4: Otolaryngologist's Mirror
3: Berliner's Bucket Helm
2: Surgeon's Stahlhelm
1: Team Captain

Larrikin Robin
Just Robin.

5: Détective Noir
4: Frenchman's Beret
3: Cosa Nostra Cap
2: Fancy Fedora
1: Familiar Fez (Bonus points for
Dr. Whoa)

All Class
5: Point and Shoot
4: Bill's Hat
2: Max's Severed Head
1: Proof of Purchase

Overall my favorite hat is:
 Drum roll please

El Jefe- without the hat. So just the hair.

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